If you can't give the people job, give them cow politics

In ancient Rome, Roman emperor used to say, "if you can't give the people bread, give them circuses." Our democratic central government following similar practice. If you can't give the people job, give them cow politics. Center government's decision to ban free trade of cattle in the whole country is a direct interference of federal structures of States. There will be huge increase of unemployment and village economy will be effected badly with this decision. People who are engage in rearing cattle will not find customers or buyers to sell due to this decision. Now a days most of agricultural activities are largely handled by machine replacing cattle so cattle will rarely be sold for agricultural needs. Cows are the supreme under Modi government, above people and their livelihood. Many industries including leather industries will also be effected. In future, India will have to import leather products due to this decision. Those who are engage in cattle tradi...