Typesetters and KPOs are Facing Multiple Challenges

Major countries who outsource huge typesetting jobs in India are US, UK, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany. There are many typesetter located all over the India, mainly Delhi, NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, Dehradun, Chandigarh, Pandicherry and other places and all are providing full service typesetting including copy editing to the major Publishers in these countries.

Fifteen years back, to typeset a single 4-color page, setters used to receive 13 to 15 US dollars and for 1-color, it was approximately 7 to 8 US dollars excluding revision round. For each revision round and author  alterations they paid extra. There were few typesetters in India and abroad at that time. But now, competition are very high and currently a large number of typesetters in India are providing these services in attractive prices. Not only in India, but also Philippines and Sri Lanka are providing these services in much cheaper prices, almost half of the price Indian companies currently charge.

In the past, income was more and expenditure was less for the Setter. Expenditure in salary was approximately three times less than the current price. Office rent, transportation, infrastructure and other cost was also five times lesse​ in comparison to current market price. Currently companies are receiving least price from the publisher for the typesetting. Publishers are also in pressure due to digital publishing. So, income is less, expenditure is high and due to this reason many typesetting companies are sold out multiple times for survival.

Those who acquire these companies are focusing desperately on automation to earn profit. Companies are cutting cost where ever there is a scope so that they can survive. Companies are focusing on increasing productivity by more than 100% through automation, by using less man power for the existence and earn profit.

Automation can save both publisher and typesetter as ebook are also another challenge for the printing and publishing industries. With the upgradation of technology, many jobs will be ceased. After coming mobile phone in the market, many industries like watch, tape recorder, CD player, camera, walkman, radio, pager, STD telephone booth lost thousands of jobs in India. Similarly automation will save these industries reducing hundreds jobs which is a reality and bitter truth.


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