Government Mishandling Post Demonetise Crisis

Yesterday evening one poor labourer came to a vegetable seller with a old currency of Rs 500. The vegetable seller told him, he had to purchase vegetables of minimum amount Rs 100, and he would be refunded 300 hundred. He had to sacrifice Rs 100 for the old currency.

Today there are news of maximum shop keepers charging Rs 300 to 400 for 1 kg salt in many places and many shops are closed fot entire day.

There are big lines in front of all banks and cash of banks is being finished within a span of 2 to 3 hours. Many peoples are worried and unable to exchange huge currency kept for the marriage. Banks have not sufficient money to keep in the ATM machines.

Situation is similar to Emergency and media have been instructed not to broadcast any news which contradict Modi's decision. Situation will be out of control in coming days if government does not circulate sufficient amount through banks and ATMs to the citizens.

The government failed to do proper planning before implementing such a big decision. Government tried to catch all the big fish but the small fishes have been stacked in the net.

Why Reserve Bank are not sending sufficient currencies to the banks so that Banks and ATMs can work properly? This is the problem of 130 crores citizen and the way things are going, there may be huge public anger and government may have to pay a huge price for this.


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