Japan Nuke Crisis -- a Lesson for the Nuclear Power Nation

The recent disaster in Japan that stricken Fukushima nuclear power station are at risk of overheating after their cooling systems failed. Radiation levels around Japan's crippled power plant are falling, but the situation still remains critical for now and the future.
Radioactivity soared to dangerous levels earlier after a third explosion and the fire at the plant. The Government officials have asked the residents, who are residing within the radius of 30 kilometres of the reactors, either to evacuate or stay indoors.
United Nations agency warned that although effects have been offshore so far, changing weather conditions and it was closely monitored by the satellite and other data. Troubles at the nuclear plant have sparked a rout on the stock market and panic buying in supermarkets.
The Nuclear Power Nations should learn from this latest disaster and should take necessary and safety measures that can protect all the nuclear power plants from the natural calamities such as a volcanic eruption, an earthquake and  tsunami.
Japan is struggling to cope with the enormities of the damages from the record quake and the tsunami that devastated across vast tracts of its north-east region, destroying all before it. The official has declared the toll of the dead and missing has topped 10,000 with a confirmed dead body of 3,373. But it is hard to estimate the actual casualties and from the Miyagi city alone, toll exceeded to 10 thousands.
No one can predict how and when the natural disaster will arrive and where? If the nuclear power nations do not take necessary and safety measures, it will damage our environment indeed. Still no one can predict, what will be the impact on the environment in future after the leakage and blast of the nuclear power plants.
Radiation levels reached as high as 400 millisieverts an hour at the No. 2 reactor, thousands of times higher than readings taken before the latest blasts, and the radiation levels have since fallen. Let us pray for the best for Japan and for this whole Universe so that it can’t be further damaged by human made power plant.
As our Prime Minister came ahead and told that we have already managed the preventive actions to resolve the casualties. But this is not true, it has been only said to save the image before the other countries, when this question was raised by the Left regarding the safety of the nation in the midst of the hot discussion in the Parliament. A Burning example is here, i.e., the continued movement on the rail track started by Jat Group of the U.P. and Haryana, which is unable to handle the situation by the Indian Government official. If there is no solution for this simple problem not the realm of our government, how can the people of this nation believe that all the safety measures have been taken care? What are the faults of the innocent people who are suffering a lot due to the aforesaid?
Only the leaders in our country are so much selfish that they have left to think of the development of the country and instead of this they are thinking about their own family members and the cosy and comforts of their own.  If it doesn't seem logical, can we people come ahead and raise a voice demanding resignation of all the corrupt bureaucrats? 


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