Banning Illegal Slaughter House is a Positive Step

Sensitive souls who see animal slaughtering or roadside definitely feel uncomfortable. Vegetarians and non-vegetarians both suffer closely seeing animal slaughtering in front of their eyes. Illegal activities or slaughtering should be banned as they never try to understand the sentiment of mass people, engage in slaughtering animals in the open marketplace. After becoming CM in UP, Yogi Aditiyanath banned all the illegal slaughterhouse. It is true many people are becoming unemployed and many hotels are suffering due to this ban. But we cannot encourage or support any illegal activities. Before opening any slaughter house why people did not regularize or take a license for meat shop. I myself is a non-vegetarian but I feel pain seeing any types of animal slaughtering in front of my eyes. These activities should not do in the open place. It has been observed that some butcher does not use sharp weapons at the time of slaughtering or killing the animal which is unacceptable. Animals should be slaughtering in a scientific way to giving minimum pain during slaughtering.


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